Sunday, 2 October 2011

Intro generator for Metroid 2 remake

After going through the latest news on project AM2R, I had an intriguing idea. In his search for an intro for his game, DoctorM64 asked for feedback on his blog [link] and people posted their many suggestions. I reminded myself of the intro sequence from Spelunky and how that concept was simply amazing. Why would people settle for a single intro text if the player could have some 30134 combinations generated at random? I remember how fun it was to see a different intro with each playthrough, so I decided to find out how this would work for a Metroid game.

The idea behind it was quite simple - display three lines of text, chosen arbitrarily by the game from lists of sentences, then Samus lands on the alien homeworld and the hunt begins. The text strings, which composed the intro, come from 3 separate lists, resulting in many mysterious, scary or even downright hilarious combinations. Here are but few examples:

With the Metroids causing unrest
I set the course to SR388
And knew what I had to do.


As I recalled my parent's last words,
I've updated the ship's coordinates
And felt as if Ridley was still alive.

I thought the idea would nicely translate to a lonely bounty hunter reflecting on her life just before she starts her mission. For more combinations, you can download the prototype and see it for yourself!


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